May 10, 2005

ITEM 127-1001-S0505    Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Accomplishments and Revised Plan; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: The Board of Regents of the Montana University System authorizes The University of Montana to modify the Athletic Department Deficit Elimination/Prevention Plan to take into account increased ticket revenue, reduced operating expenses, and lower than expected scholarship expenses.

EXPLANATION: Better than anticipated ticket sales, containment of internal expenses, and lower than projected scholarship expenses during the current year permit the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics to contribute an additional $200,000 to the Deficit Elimination Plan, decrease the student game day ticket charge from $7.00 to $4.00, and transfer approximately $300,000 to the Athletics Facilities Repair and Replacement Account for the maintenance of Athletics facilities. One-time only bonuses for the football coaches will appear for consideration on the May staff agenda. The University and the Department project this trend will continue over the next several years, and intend to apply revenue above budget to accelerate the elimination of the deficit and eliminate the student game day ticket charge.