January 20-21, 2005


ITEM 126-1501-R0105     Authorization to Expend Student Computer Fees; Montana Tech of The University of Montana

THAT: The Board of Regents authorizes, in accordance with Montana University System Policy 940.23, the expenditure of student computer fee money for the following:

Update IT wiring-College of Technology


Update IT wiring-Petroleum Building


Update IT wiring-Library


Update IT wiring- Mining/Geology Bldg.


Update IT wiring Engineering Hall


Fiber Terminations/Engineering Services





These are estimates only and actual costs will not be known until a bid has been processed.


EXPLANATION:   This project picks up where the 2000 wiring project left off. Outdated wiring will be eliminated and the network will be extended to areas lacking a network presence. This project will also correct the three buildings with substandard cable in the plenum air transports. The project will be funded through an intercap loan with computer fees allocated to the payments over a five-year period. This proposal was developed in conjunction with and was unanimously approved by the Computer and Network Advisory Committees and the Associated Students of Montana Tech as authorized by Montana University System Policy 940.23.