September 23-24, 2004

ITEM 124-2008-R0904   Authorization to Expend Computer Fees; Montana State University-Bozeman

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education hereby authorizes Montana State University-Bozeman to expend Student Computer Fee funds for the following projects. The total cost of purchases is $465,265.00.


EXPLANATION: In accordance with Board of Regents Computer Fee Policy 940.23, Expenditure of Computer Fees for projects in excess of $25,000 requires authorization by the Board of Regents. The proposed purchases include the following:


College/DeptProject      Amount

Arts/Arch. Hardware $ 26,650

Civil Eng. Hardware/Software 63,370

Computer Sci. Hardware 56,082

Elect. & Comp. Eng. Hardware 26,898

ITC Hardware 177,793

ITC Maint. Consumables 56,645

ITC Facilities Services 29,827

Chemistry Hardware 28,000

Total: $465,265


Allocations were based on unanimous recommendations by the Computer Allocation Committee. The Committee is comprised of faculty, students and administrators.