May 20-21, 2004

ITEM 123-2005-R0504    Authorization to Reorganize Five University-wide Programs into an Administrative Structure entitled University College; Montana State University-Bozeman

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University-Bozeman to reorganize five university-wide programs into the University College. Programs include University Honors, Undergraduate Scholars, Liberal Studies, General Studies and Directed Interdisciplinary Studies.

EXPLANATION: MSU-Bozeman requests permission to reorganize several campus-wide academic programs into a University College. There would be no cost for this change. There would be no changes in reporting lines, individual program mission statements, or individual program directions. The programs involved are the University Honors Program, the Undergraduate Scholars Program, General Studies (to be renamed University Studies), Directed Interdisciplinary Studies and the new Liberal Studies Degree. Structurally, these programs are not included in any of MSU's eight academic colleges. In the catalog, they are listed as Special Academic Opportunities or, in the case of the new Liberal Studies degree, listed alone in the College section.

This reorganization will enhance catalog clarity and student recruitment. From a recruiting and marketing perspective, we feel that renaming the General Studies Program "University Studies" and placing it in University College will enhance its image. The program name, General Studies, is not an accurate depiction of its intent, and some students have felt that they weren't really part of the university until they declared a major. There will also be increased student awareness of the other programs in University College, which should lead to increased participation.

University College is a name that institutions worldwide use for a variety of academic arrangements. Some have a residential component within a larger university context, some are stand-alone institutions, and others merely use it to group university-wide programs such as these.