May 20-21, 2004

ITEM 123-1602-R0504    Authorization to confer the Title of Assistant Professor Emeritus of Business upon Glenda Elser; The University of Montana Western

THAT: Glenda Elser, Assistant Professor of Business, in her 14 years of service to the University of Montana-Western, has merited the appreciation and commendation of the Board of Regents of the University of Montana System and has earned recognition as Professor Emeritus of Business.

EXPLANATION: Ms. Elser completed her bachelor's degree in Business at Montana State University. She joined the faculty at Western in 1990 as Assistant Professor. During her career at Western, Ms. Elser has been active in several professional organizations and successfully authored Perkins grants and a Microsoft Innovative Teachers grant and served as its Director. She has been chair of the Department of Business and Technology since 2001. Additionally, Ms. Elser has been a member of numerous University committees including serving as vice chair and chair of the Faculty Senate.

Throughout her career at The University of Montana-Western, Glenda Elser has served UM-W and the community with distinction. Her dedicated service has earned her the respect of her students, colleagues and professional associates.