May 20-21, 2004

ITEM 123-1005-R0504    Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences and Zoology upon Delbert L. Kilgore; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: Delbert L. Kilgore, Jr., in his 31 years of dedicated service to The University of Montana, has merited the commendation of the Board of Regents of the Montana University System, and has earned the title of Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences and Zoology.

EXPLANATION: Dr. Delbert L. Kilgore earned his Ph.D. degree in 1972 from the University of Kansas. Professor Kilgore joined the Zoology faculty at The University of Montana in 1973, later becoming a faculty member in the Division of Biological Sciences when it was formed. Dr. Kilgore has a well-deserved reputation among faculty colleagues and students as an accomplished and demanding teacher who is exceptionally dedicated to students and their intellectual growth. His willingness to invest time and effort with students outside of class is legendary, and many zoology and biology students have gained from his careful and encouraging guidance. Dr. Kilgore's care and focus has included undergraduate students as well as the many graduate students he advised, and who are now making important contributions of their own in academia and elsewhere. His recent leadership of the university's pre-medical advising program has been an invaluable contribution to the medical and health sciences careers of many students.

Dr. Kilgore's research contributions have been in the broad area of animal physiology with particular emphases on animal metabolism, temperature regulation, and respiratory physiology. His careful research on adaptations of animals to low-oxygen environments has provided unique insights into the physiology of animals in burrows, during high-altitude flight, and in other circumstances. Dr. Kilgore's research has resulted in a large number of publications and presentations, and reflects admirable individual accomplishment as well as extensive collaboration with students and colleagues.

Dr. Kilgore has a longstanding record of high-quality administrative and service contributions to the University. Among others, he served as Associate Dean in the early years following the administrative reorganization that formed the Division of Biological Sciences. His selfless, impartial, and energetic leadership was extremely influential in developing important policies, breaking down barriers, and coalescing the biological sciences faculty into a well-functioning unit. Dr. Kilgore has always been counted on to provide his advice and time to serve needs of the university, professional societies, and other institutions including Montana tribal colleges, faculty, and students. In all of his activities, his high personal and scientific standards, work ethic, gentle nature, and intellect have earned him the affection and respect of those who have worked with him.

The Division of Biological Sciences is honored to recommend Professor Delbert L. Kilgore for Emeritus status.