July 10-11, 2003

ITEM 120-1005-0703    Authorization to Confer the Title of Associate Professor Emeritus of Computer Science upon Jerry D. Esmay; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: Jerry D. Esmay, Associate Professor of Computer Science, in his 18 years of service to The University of Montana, has merited the appreciation and commendation of the Board of Regents of the Montana University System, and has earned recognition as Associate Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

EXPLANATION: Jerry Esmay joined The University of Montana faculty in 1984 after a career in the military. He became chair of the computer science department in 1987, and was promoted to associate professor in 1989.

Professor Esmay's accomplishments have served the university community extremely well. Under his leadership, the computer science department has achieved an outstanding record of accomplishment in teaching, research, and service. He has led the computer science department through numerous program revisions. He spearheaded the national accreditation of the undergraduate program in 1995 and re-accreditation in 2001.

In recent years, Professor Esmay has been the primary undergraduate advisor for computer science students. He has always been very accessible to students and has helped to shape the careers of many students.

Professor Esmay has been director of the Montana State Science Fair since 1989, and he continues in this position as part of his post-retirement contract. In addition to directing the State Science Fair, he coordinates regional science fairs around the state.

In recognition of his outstanding service contributions, Professor Esmay received the Distinguished Service Award in 2000.

The Department of Computer Science is honored to recommend Associate Professor Jerry Esmay for emeritus status.