May 29-30, 2003

ITEM 119-2301-R0503    Authorization to Grant Right-a-way for Construction of Natural Gas Pipeline to Ocean Energy, Inc. on Northern Agricultural Research Center Property; Agricultural Experiment Station

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University to execute the necessary Pipeline Easement agreements for the easements on the Northern Agricultural Research Center in Hill County, Montana.

EXPLANATION: Ocean Energy, Inc. Of Houston, Texas requests two easements for laying of a natural gas pipeline on the Northern Agricultural Research Center. The easement agreement for Section, 29, Township 32 North, Range 15 East, Hill County, Montana is attached for review. In addition, Ocean Energy has also requested permission for an easement to a well that will be drilled in Section 22, Township 32 North, Range 15 East. The agreement will be in the same format as that attached. MSU seeks authority to sign that easement which will be prepared in the future, after review by Legal Counsel, if the terms and conditions are the same as proposed in this easement agreement. The compensation for the easement in question is $426.51 which is equivalent to $9.00 per rod.

ATTACHMENT Easement Agreement