ITEM 119-106-R0503
May 29, 30, 2003
Amendment to Policy 201.7 By-Laws
Article IV of Policy 201.7 - By-Laws is amended as follows:
ARTICLE IV. Officers
The officers of the board consist of a chair, vice-chair and secretary. The chair
and vice-chair shall be elected from the appointed membership of the board for a period
of two yearsone year or to the expiration of his or her term on the board, whichever comes first. In the
absence of the chair, the vice-chair will preside. However, the chair may assign any
Regent to temporarily preside over some specific portion of a meeting. If the office
of chair or vice-chair is vacated prior to the expiration of the term, the board will
hold an election to fill the vacated office. The newly elected officer will serve
for the remainder of the term. The commissioner of higher education will serve as
secretary to the board.
Effective Date: This item is effective upon passage and applies to the term of current officers. The board shall hold an election of officers as the next item of business following passage of this amendment to the by-laws.