May 29-30, 2003

ITEM 119-105-R0503  Authorization to Establish a Permanent Montana Associated Students Fee of $1.00 per student per semester; All Campuses excluding Community Colleges

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State Universities at Bozeman, Billings, Northern, and COT Great Falls and the University of Montana at Missoula, Western, Tech and COT Helena to establish and assess a Montana Associated Students Fee of $1.00 per student per semester effective immediately.

EXPLANATION: 1. The Montana Associated Students Fee will fund the Montana Associated Students (MAS) and eliminate the dues presently paid by the four-year and two year campus student governments with the exception of the which will continue to pay dues to MAS.

2.       The Montana Associated Students Fee will provide additional MAS funding which will enable MAS to hire a MAS Coordinator to facilitate, at the direction and discretion of the MAS executive staff, all MAS functions with the limitation of student voice.

3.       The Montana Associated Students Fee will generate approximately $66,000 per year.

4.       In Accordance with Board of Regents Policy 506.1 Mandatory Student Participation, this fee has been presented to student governments by Montana Associated Students.

5.       Currently many other states have a full time Executive Director for the state student government organizations.