May 29-30, 2003

ITEM 119-1010-R0503  Approval of Proposal to Reinstitute the PhD degree in History; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes The University of Montana-Missoula to re-institute the PhD degree in History. The proposed program would include approximately 60 graduate credits (15 beyond the MA), competence in at least one foreign language, comprehensive examinations and completion of a dissertation.

EXPLANATION: The University of Montana Missoula placed its PhD degree in History in moratorium during the mid-1980s. Reasons included a declining faculty base, reduced institutional support, and a lack of outside funding and support. The UM History Department has stabilized at fifteen full-time members, plus seven outside specialists or visiting professors. Independent Foundation accounts support History. The department has the Hammond and Boone endowments. In addition, the Moser-McKinney Scholarship provides generous support for two outstanding graduate students. The department also has private support from the Cappadocia and Gene Tidball scholarships. The University has committed to enhancing its graduate profile. The Department now has the staff, willingness, and wherewithal to re-establish its PhD program.

The completed signature page resides on file at the President's Office, The University of Montana -Missoula.