May 29-30, 2003

ITEM 119-1009-R0503    Authority Reports; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: Consistent with Board of Regents' Policy 1003.7, Authorization for Building Projects (Board of Regents Item 112-105-R0701), The University of Montana hereby submits the attached status reports of BOR and LRBP authority.

EXPLANATION: Board of Regents' policy requires that the campuses of the University System submit a project authorization status report annually at the May Board of Regents' meeting.

This authority request is for an amount greater than $150,000, which requires the following additional information:

A. Project Description:

These miscellaneous renovation and maintenance projects will include window replacements and roof repairs, lead and asbestos abatement, painting, siding replacement, furnace replacement, etc.

B. Cost Estimate and Funding Sources:

The estimated cost of this project over three years is $1,500,000, including construction costs, consultants fees, and all other expenses associated with all phases of the project. This project will be financed with auxiliary funds and will result in no new programs.

C. Programs Served, Enrollment Data, Projected Enrollments:

Not applicable.

D. Space Utilization Data:

Not applicable.

E. Projected Use for Available Residual Space:

Not applicable.

F. Projected O&M Costs and Proposed Funding Sources:

The higher efficiency furnaces should reduce operational costs.


ATTACHMENT: Annual Status Report.