May 29-30, 2003

ITEM 119-1006-R0503    Authorization to Confer the Title of Professor Emeritus of Social Work upon Charles Horejsi; The University of Montana-Missoula

THAT: Charles Horejsi, Professor of Social Work, in his 32 years of service to The University of Montana, has merited the appreciation and commendation of the Board of Regents of the Montana University System, and has earned recognition as Professor Emeritus of Social Work.

EXPLANATION: The faculty of the Department of Social Work wishes to recommend Dr. Charles Horejsi for Emeritus status. The faculty has voted unanimously to recommend Dr. Horejsi for this designation. Dr. Horejsi will be retiring at the end of Spring Semester 2003 after 32 years of teaching at this institution. His career began in 1971 as an assistant professor, and since that time he has clearly demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, and service. Dr. Horejsi has taught primarily in the baccalaureate social work program and has been an integral part of the development of the new master's in social work program as well, focusing both on curriculum development and accreditation. He has taught many core and elective courses, and is particularly regarded as an expert in the field of child welfare and child abuse. He has a history of successfully obtaining numerous federal grants in child welfare over the years, bringing a great deal of external funding to the University.

Dr. Horejsi and his colleague, Dr. Bradford Sheafor, professor at Colorado State University, have co-authored a textbook entitled Techniques and Guidelines for Social Work Practice, which is currently in its sixth edition, with plans for a seventh edition in the works. This textbook is considered to be one of the best-known and best-selling social work texts in the country, utilized at both BSW and MSW levels. Dr. Horejsi has developed a national reputation in social work education because of the ongoing success of this book. In addition, he and Professor Cynthia Garthwait have co-authored another text entitled The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students, now in its second edition. Dr. Horejsi has also been published extensively in a wide variety of professional journals in social work and social welfare.

Dr. Horejsi has additionally provided invaluable service to the Missoula community and the State of Montana through numerous local and State-wide presentations, service on the boards of directors of non-profit organizations, and consultation to State and tribal child welfare programs.

Dr. Horejsi's career has been one of excellence and extremely valuable contributions to the education of social work students. He is a fine, supportive, and collegial professional who is held in high regard by the faculty in the Department of Social Work. We strongly recommend the conferring of the Emeritus title on Dr. Horejsi, knowing that even after retirement he will continue to contribute to the profession, as exemplified by his plans to continue the seventh edition of his textbook. His career and his contributions are notable, and Emeritus status would be one small way to acknowledge his distinguished career.