Resolution Regarding Board of Regents Policy


Whereas, the mission statement of The University of Montana reads:

"The University makes its decisions through a governance process involving all groups and constituencies on and off the campus. In its activities, the University accords the highest priority to the rights and opinions of all. As a free marketplace of ideas and a forum for bringing together the diverse cultures and views of the people of the State, nation, and world, the University recognizes no limit upon freedom of expression or opinion, but does expect people to respect the equal rights of others."


Whereas, the mission statements of other units in the Montana University System include similar language that perpetuates student involvement in the decision making process.


Whereas, recently students at The University of Montana and across the state of Montana are disappointed with the administration's effort to include student input and opinion in major decisions.


Whereas, current issues of concern for students, such as housing accessibility, are not being fully addressed due to the inability of students to comment before projects become a "done deal."


Whereas, with the advent of rising tuition, students need to be informed of how and why specific percentage increases are determined.


Whereas, mandatory fee increases should be a matter of discussion in forums where students can come to a better understanding and/or offer solutions for problems of stagnant revenue streams and rising expenses.


Whereas, general education requirement changes should be a matter of discussion in public forums so that students can point out impacts and possible unintended consequences.


Whereas, while forums have been held on many important issues, they have been done after decisions have been made. This problem negates many suggestions from students, for they cannot be considered after the fact.


Whereas, while the committee structure on our campus promotes student involvement, it is only part of the solution to involving students in the decision making process.


Therefore Let it Be Resolved, the Associated Students of The University of Montana strongly encourage the Montana Board of Regents to accept and implement the proposed policy 1910.


Authored by: Jon P. Swan, ASUM President