Office Of The Governor
ITEM 112-102-R0901
State Of Montana
State Capitol
Judy H. Martz, Governor
P0 Box 200801 Helena, Montana 59620-0801
July 9, 2001
Board of Regents of Higher Education
PO Box 203101
Helena MT 59620
Dear Regents:
Please be informed that effective immediately, I respectfully submit for consideration and approval, the following individuals to the newly created MSU-Great Falls College of Technology Executive Board, in accordance with Montana Code Annotated 20-25-303:
Ms. Susan Humble, 2412 47thAve SW, Great Falls MT 59404 is to serve a term ending April 15, 2004, and fulfills the qualifications for being a public member.
Dr. Clay Gebring, 1109 23rd Ave SW, Great Falls MT 59404, is to serve a term ending April 15, 2003, and fulfills the qualifications for being a public member.
Mr. Jack King, 3213 20th Ave S, Great Falls, MT 59401, is to serve a term ending April 1 5, 2002, and fulfills the qualifications for being a public member.
If you have questions regarding this appointment, please call Susan Ames, Appointments Advisor, at extension 0575.
cc: Will Weaver, MSU-GF College of Technology, PO Box 6010, Great Falls 59406 Mary Moe, MSU-GF College of Technology, PO Box 6010, Great Falls 59406