Please replace item hh. from the January Agenda with this item.


Re-affirmation of existing practice:


In regards to both letters written by and telephone calls made by regents in their official capacity, all expenses incurred shall be reimbursed to the regent that incurred the expense. Enactment of this proposal applies only to future correspondence costs not yet submitted for reimbursement.


Reason for this proposal:

The writing of letters and the making telephone calls remains vital to a regent's ability to communicate with others and perform the job function of regent. Additionally, not all of the regents serving on this board are affluent enough to suffer the burden of personally incurring job-required regent correspondence costs. Those that cannot afford to write those required letters or make those required telephone calls are placed at a considerable disadvantage. Those regents whose personal budgets enable them to communicate and travel without financial constraint need not submit for reimbursement if they so decline.


Submitted by Student Regent Hur

March 20-21, 2003