Montana Board of Regents
Fall Retreat October 26, 2004 

Location: Montana Board of Investments
2401 Colonial Avenue
Third Floor Conference Room

8:30-9:00    Continental Breakfast

Session 1:


The Issues - Presentations and Implementation Ideas
(see attached materials for background) 

Sheila Stearns, Roger Barber, Rod Sundsted, Geoff Gamble, George Dennison

Questions and discussion by members of the Board.

10:30 -10:45      Break

Session 2:

10:45 to Noon

Small group discussions about the priorities identified in Session 1, or others that individuals participating want to be sure are considered either for immediate or future action. Outcome of group discussions: reports in Session 3, with outlines of action steps.

Catered lunch on site.

Session 3:

12:30- 2:00

Reports from group discussions on recommended priorities, plans and possible approaches for carrying them out.

2:00 2:15    Break

Session 4:

2:30- 4:00   

Board Discussion: Identify top priorities for planning and action steps. Provide direction for implementation.