Tuesday, October 16, 2007
11:00 AM – 1:30 PM

11:00      CONVENE

                      Roll Call.

                      System Issues.


    1. ITEM 137-101-C1007:  Authority to Apply for Permit for Reserved Channel Non- Commercial Educational Broadcast Station as Established Local Applicant, Montana State University.
      Supporting Material (Application) | Supporting Material (FCC Rules)

    2. Regents’ Role in Student Loan Process

      1. The Board of Regents role as a guarantor of federal education loans relative to the Student Assistance Foundation (SAF) and Montana Higher Education Student Assistance Corporation (MHESAC).

      2. Risks and obligations of the State of Montana and Board of Regents for taxable and non-taxable debt incurred by SAF and MHESAC.

      3. Regents’ and MUS employees’ involvement in the governance of SAF and MHESAC.

      4. Lines of communication between the Board of Regents, Montana State Government, SAF and MHESAC.

1:30 PM         ADJOURN or on completion of business