September 20-21, 2023

Committee Members: Regent Todd Buchanan, Chair; Regent Loren Bough, Regent Brianne Rogers


Emeriti Faculty:

  1. Lageson; MSU Bozeman ITEM 208-2003-R0923
  2. Stewart; MSU Bozeman ITEM 208-2004-R0923
  3. Aig; MSU Bozeman ITEM 208-2005-R0923

Tenure Faculty:

  1. UM Missoula ITEM 208-1004-R0923

 Staff Item:

  1. Request for Authorization of University System/Employee Intellectual Property Joint Participation under MUSP 407-Heinemann; MSU Bozeman ITEM 208-2002-R0923 | Attachment #1


  1. Request for Authorization to Amend the "School of Mines and Engineering" from a School to a College within the University and to Name the College the "Lance College of Mines and Engineering"; MT Tech ITEM 208-1501-R0923  | Attachment #1 | Attachment #2
  2. Honorary Doctorate, MSU ITEM 208-2001-R0923 | Attachment #1
  3. Request to Plan Proposals  Executive Summary and OCHE Analysis Supporting Documentation 


 Academic Review Items: 

  1. Academic Approval Memo
  2. Academic Priorities and Planning  OCHE Executive Summary | Campus Priorities and Planning StatementsForthcoming Academic Proposal Report
  3. Accreditation Report

Academic, Research and Student Affairs Committee 2023-24 Work Plan

Strategic Priority Items:

  1. Montana 10 
  2. Mental Health Taskforce  | Attachment #1


Adjourn upon completion of business