The First Amendment protects and guarantees most forms of expression and speech — though it does not protect speech that, for example, presents a clear and present danger or is an imminent, "true" threat. The freedom of speech also does not allow us to silence those with whom we disagree. One person’s speech does not enjoy greater weight than another’s such that it may consume or silence the opposing view.

Use your voice wisely and be aware of the ground rules.

Free speech can be hateful or offensive

Even if speech, signs, or images are hateful or offensive, they are likely still protected by the First Amendment.

Suggested actions

If you are offended by the speech or materials, we suggest that you:

  • Do not respond physically; keep your distance.
  • Consider organizing an appropriate, nonviolent response.
  • If you believe the speech or materials violate campus policy, reach out for support and/or report it.
  • If you believe conduct during free speech activities violates one or more criminal laws, contact law enforcement.

Expressing disagreement

There are many things you can do to express your disagreement with speech.

Suggested actions before a free speech event

  • Use social media to start a conversation about what’s going on and begin to build support and/or discussion around your ideas and/or opposition to the proposed event.
  • Ask your student newspaper to write an article about the issue. Write letters to the editor.
  • Reach out to student organizations that may be interested in the issue.
  • Contact student government. Ask your campus senator to write a resolution in support or in opposition.
  • Start petitions to send to campus, local, state, and federal officials to communicate your position.
  • Schedule a meeting with university representatives to discuss your concerns.

Suggested actions during a free speech event


  • Peaceful, non-disruptive protest is allowed if it doesn’t create a disturbance or keep the speaker from communicating their message. Examples include wearing messages on T-shirts, putting tape over your mouth, and turning your back to a speaker.
  • You may leave the area if you don’t obstruct the presentation.
  • If you are disruptive and don’t comply with orders to leave the area, you’ll be violating the student code of conduct, which could lead to disciplinary action.


  • You may conduct a peaceful protest or picketing with flyers, petitions, singing, or chants as long as it is in an open public areas and does not disturb the event or those who wish to attend.
  • You may not block entrances or exits, impede traffic or prevent people from entering, hearing, seeing, or leaving the event.
  • You may not disrupt campus functions or the normal use of a space, such as a classroom, office, laboratory, residence or dining hall.

Planning a free speech event on campus

The MUS supports and encourages diverse points of view. Though you may view some speakers as distasteful or offensive, the system recognizes individuals' and groups' rights to free expression, including the right to speak, assemble, demonstrate and more, so long as exercising those rights does not unreasonably interfere with the right of a college or university to conduct its affairs in an orderly manner and maintain its property. Neither can free expression activities interfere with the MUS’s obligation to protect the rights of all to teach, study, conduct business, and fully exchange ideas.

Make sure to check campus policies for holding events. Peaceful free expression activities, like protests and marches, can occur outdoors if you don’t interfere with others’ rights or campus operation. Similarly, individuals and groups can use campus facilities for indoor events with a reservation.

Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions

In public spaces on campus, the MUS may not regulate the content of speech, but a campus can place reasonable restrictions on the time, place and manner of expression. 

These are not protected free speech activities:

  • The use of violence or credible threats of violence.
  • Obstructing or disrupting teaching, research, art, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other campus activities or operations, or any other authorized activities on university premises.
  • Interfering with the rights of others to enter, use or leave any university facility, service, or activity.
  • Exposing people or property to safety hazards or the risk of injury.
  • Activities that are illegal or unlawful.
  • Obstructing the free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on campus.

Sound amplification is generally not permitted.

The use of sound amplification equipment or public address systems will not be permitted on MUS property or in university facilities if it interferes with the learning environment or the individual rights of those living or working on or near university property.

Generally, the use of amplification equipment for outdoor events is not allowed during regular instructional and business hours. Please note that many cities have ordinances prohibiting loud and disruptive noises. 

Printed Materials:

You can put posters freely on public bulletin boards or on boards inside where you get permission. You cannot post on things like light poles, windows, doors, and building walls. Staff may remove materials placed where posting is not allowed.