Guiding Principles

In order to provide a dynamic and effective strategic plan, the Board of Regents subscribes to the following Guiding Principles for the on-going development and review of the MUS Strategic Plan.


The planning and review cycle for the MUS Strategic Plan will take place over the course of a biennium, whereby the Plan is assessed, reviewed, and updated at the beginning of each biennium.


Outcomes and measurements of the strategic goals will be made public and communicated on a regular basis.


The planning and review process will seek to include a broad array of stakeholders from throughout the state.


The MUS Strategic Plan is intended to be a flexible document that can adapt to the changing environment within higher education and throughout the state/nation.

Campus Connected

Campus strategic plans will be connected to the broader strategic goals in the MUS Strategic Plan.

Statewide Focus

The planning process will include a statewide focus on advancing higher education throughout the entire state.

National Context

National trends and initiatives will be considered throughout the planning process and aid in the development of strategies and initiatives.