American Indian Students

American Indian Dashboard

This dashboard displays enrollment, graduation, employment and other data broken down by all races.

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment Dashboard

Displays number of students taken as dual enrollment and dual credit courses throughout the MUS.

FTE Enrollments

FTE Enrollments

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollments for all public schools in Montana including systemwide counts.

First Time Freshman

First Time Freshman

Enrollment, Retention and Capture Rates of First-time Freshmen students within the MUS.


Headcounts Dashboard

Total Headcounts for Montana public schools by demographics, institution and systemwide.

Degrees Awarded

Degrees Awarded Dashboard

Displays trends of total degrees awarded by type, institution and discipline for Montana public schools.

MUS Student Success

Student Success Dashboard

Displays student success in the MUS and beyond into the workforce.

Graduation Rates

Graduation Rates Dashboard

Systemwide and Campus graduation rates for bachelors and associates seeking students in the MUS.