Proposed Revisions to 940.9.2 - Use of Plant Funds; Including Student Building Fee Reserves, for Projects Over $75,000

Board Policy:

1. The president or chancellor of any unitcampus of the Montana University System may expend plant funds, including student building fee reserves for projects over $75,000, in accordance with the following procedures.


1. Such expenditures may be used to plan, construct, renovate, equip, maintain or improve any campus buildings or facilities.

2. Expenditure requests between $75,000 and $150,000 for any project shall be submitted to the Commissioner for approval. Expenditure requests in excess of $150,000 for any project shall be submitted to the Commissioner of Higher Education for approval by the Board of Regents.

3. When requests for expenditures in excess of $75,000 have been approved, they shall be submitted to the Director of the Department of Administration.

4. Any proposed expenditure of student building fee reserves shall be consistent with appropriate laws and indentures.


Item 211-002, July 14, 1969 (rescinded); Item 223-001, July 10, 1972 (rescinded); Item 2-016-R1073, Use of Plant Funds, including Student Building Fee Reserves for projects over $10,000, Montana University System, October 19, 1973 as revised January 16, 1978, November 11, 1993, and July 9, 1999.
