Proposed Revision to 806.1 - Supervising Teachers; Payment

Administrative Policy:

            1.         The five unitscampuses of the Montana University System which prepare elementary and secondary teachers agreed to adopt a uniform schedule for the payment of teachers who supervise student teachers.  The schedule is based on the following assumptions:

                       a.         the basic unit of student teaching is considered to be 30 clock hours of actual teaching done on a one-hour-per-day-for-a-full-quarter (or its equivalent) basis. Five quarter hours of credit are usually awarded for such a unit of student teaching.

                       b.         a student may take a longer single assignment (up to a total of 15 hours) of student teaching, or he may take two separate assignments (ordinarily totaling 10 hours).

                       c.         under special circumstances, a student may be permitted to enroll for a number of hours of student teaching not a multiple of 5; e.g., 6 hours, which would require at least 20% more clock hours of actual teaching than the "basic unit" of 5 hours.  Such arrangement, however, tends to be the exception rather than the rule.

                        d.         whether a student is getting 5, 10, or 15 credits for a given student teaching assignment, certain supervisory factors remain relatively constant:  (1)  the amount of orientation and consultation prior to taking over the class, and (2) the amount of individual conference time throughout the teaching period.

            2.         On the basis of these assumptions a pay scale, based on a flat fee of $25.00 plus an additional fee of $5.00 per credit hour of student teaching registered for, was accepted.

            3.         A student teaching assignment of one unit (the student would ordinarily be registered for 5 credits) would carry a payment to the supervising teacher of $50.00 ($25.00 plus 5 times $5.00); for an assignment of two units (10 credits), the amount would be $75.00 ($25.00 plus 10 times  $5.00); for three units (15 credits), the amount would be $l00.00--the maximum which would be paid for any assignment.  Payments for student teaching assignments not multiples of 5 will be computed in the same fashion.

          4.         Where more than one supervising teacher is involved in a single assignment, the total amount will be divided among the teachers involved. (Ordinarily, a student should not be expected to work with more than two supervising teachers on any one student teaching assignment.)

          5.         When a student takes two units of student teaching under different supervising teachers, the initial orientation and conference fee of $25.00 will be included in the payment made to each teacher.



             Executive Council, November 1, 1957; Council of Presidents, Nov. 23, 1981
