Proposed Revisions to 305.1 - Simultaneous Registration


Board policy:

            1.  In order to make the best use of educational resources and provide maximum educational opportunity, simultaneous registration is authorized at two unitscampuses of the Montana University System, where this is feasible and beneficial to the student.

            2.  This policy does not apply to continuing education or extension courses and it does not apply to summer session, except for the case where the student attends the full summer session at both institutions.

            3.  The Commissioner of Higher Education shall promulgate guidelines to implement this policy.


            1.  A student who wishes to attend simultaneously two unitscampuses of the Montana University System must pay the application fee to each unitcampus and be admitted to each unitcampus.

            2.  The student must register at each unit for the course(s) to be taken from that unitcampus, and pay fees for those course(s) as determined by the fee schedule for each institution campus.  The student must pay health service fees and student activity fees only at the institution campus where he/she resides for the major portion of the semester, and is therefore entitled to a refund of health service and student activity fees paid at the institution campus where he/she resided for the minor portion of the semester, if these fees were paid at both institutions campuses.

            3.  To request a refund of excess fees paid because of simultaneous registration at two unitscampuses, the student must initiate a "Request for Refund" form between the end of the fifth week of instruction and the end of the semester concerned.

            4.  On the "Request for Refund" form the student will list the names of the unitscampuses attended, the dates of attendance, and receipt numbers.

            5.  The business office of the institution where the student applies for the refund will complete the information applicable to that institution (lines 1 through 9, column 1 only), and submit the partially completed form to the business office of the second institution.

            6.  The business office of the second institution will complete the remainder of the form, compute the total amount of the refund and remit the refund to the student.  This business office will then bill the first business office for its share of the refund.  Payment will be made on a no-warrant transfer.

            7.  The refund is the difference between the sum of student fees paid at each institution for registration, incidental, building fees, nonresident building fees and nonresident incidental fees and the sum of student charges which would be assessed if each institution's student charge were weighted proportionately to its student credit hours.  The formula for the computation is:

            R  =   [A  +  B  -  (C  +  D)]  +  E


            R  =  Total Refund =    Refund paid by first institution plus refund paid by second institution plus refund for student activity and health service fees paid to institution where student resided for the minor portion of the semester, if these fees were paid at both institutions.

            A  =  Actual student fees paid to the first institution

            B  =  Actual student fees paid to the second institution

            Student fees that                       Student credit hours                                 Student fee charged
            should have been                       at first institution                                      if total credit hours
 C =      paid to the first                           = _______________   X                                    had been taken at
            institution                                  Total student credit                                    first institution
                                                                hours taken


            Student fees that                       Student credit hours                                 Student fee charged
            should have been                       at second institution                                 if total credit hours
 D =      paid to the second                    = _______________   X                                      had been taken at
            institution                                  Total student credit                                   second institution
                                                                hours taken


             E  =      Refund for health service and student activity fees paid at institution where the student resided for the minor portion of semester if these fees were paid at both institutions.

Refund paid by  =  A  -  C  +  E*
first institution


Refund paid by  =  B  -  D  +  E*
second institution


*"E" added where applicable.


           The attached form must be used when requesting a refund of excess fees paid because of simultaneous registration.



               Item 15-001-R1276, December 13, 1976; as revised January 7, 1980; Memo from Lawrence K. Pettit, Commissioner of Higher Education to Presidents, March 11, 1977, "Simultaneous Registration at Two Units of the University System".
