Proposed Revisions to 303.2 - Curriculum Proposals; Community Colleges


Statutory authority:

            M.C.A.  20-151-103 (4)


 Board policy:

            1.  The policy statement on guidelines for curriculum proposals for Montana University System, Section 303.1, is applicable to Montana community colleges and any other postsecondary units assigned to the Board by law, as well as to the units of the Montana University System.

            In addition to the guidelines for curriculum proposals in Section 303.1, occupational curriculum proposals will include information on related job opportunities, as well as data on similar programs offered within the state in any postsecondary institution.  The Board of Regents shall consider all other occupational curricula offered by any postsecondary institution in the state in determining necessary or unnecessary duplication.

            2.  Local boards of trustees may approve adult and community service course offerings.


            1.  The academic curricula of the community colleges shall consist of all courses normally offered in the lower division curricula of baccalaureate granting institutions.  The coordinator of community colleges Deputy Commissioner for Academic and Student Affairs shall be notified of all proposed new offerings.  A student who transfers to a 4-year institution and believes that he has completed in a community college, work which is the equivalent of upper division work at the 4-year institution shall be given the opportunity to demonstrate this fact through a challenge examination or other means.

            2.  The regular occupational programs are those vocational-technical programs which appear in the community college catalogs.

            3.  Adult and community service programs are those courses or sequential courses funded by the one mill levy authorized under M.C.A. 20-15-305 and/or by student fees for the specific courses, short courses or workshops.

Cross reference:

            See Section 218, Institutional organization



                Item 2-001-R0973, October 19, 1973; Item 4-005-R0474, April 8, 1974, as revised April 21, 1980.
