March 17 � 18, 2005


ITEM 126-104-R0305����������������� System of Controls


THAT:�������������������������������������� The Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the attached policy concerning a system of controls for transfer credit evaluation on each campus of the Montana University System.


EXPLANATION:����������������������� The policy was developed in response to recommendation 1 of the Legislative Audit concerning transfer of credit practices within the Montana University System.� The proposed policy was shared with faculty representatives from throughout the System, the chief academic officers and Regent Kala French and her student colleagues.


The policy will be effective beginning Fall Semester 2005.


Data will be collected to monitor the effectiveness of the policy.� At this point, the specific data is still being discussed, primarily because each of the transfer audit policies will include an assessment and monitoring piece.� The data work group will review all of the possible assessment items, and develop a comprehensive and integrated package, once all of the transfer policies are ready for presentation to the Board.� That data piece will be on the May 2005 agenda of the Board.� The following assessment process is being considered for this policy:


The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education will visit each campus of the Montana University System, over the next two years, to review compliance with the policy.� That review will include:

         an examination of the �structures� set out in this policy, including the central depository, utilization of the Banner system and appropriate documentation;

         a review of transfer student files, selected randomly, to determine:

--��� the impact of the priority deadline;

--��� compliance with the transfer analysis deadlines;

--��� effectiveness of the appeal process.