November 18-19, 2004
ITEM 125-1001-R1104 Authorization to Increase or Implement Fees; University of Montana-Missoula
THAT:����������� The Board of Regents authorizes, in accordance with Montana University System Policy the attached changes to mandatory fees, course fees and auxiliary fees for students of The University of Montana-Missoula.
EXPLANATION:����������� The proposed changes in mandatory fees have been discussed with the appropriate student government and voted on through student referendums.
After examination of the Montana Kaimin�s FY2004 budget, it is apparent that a fee increase of $2.00 per academic semester is needed to ensure the Montana Kaimin remains a viable organization on campus, and competitive within its respective market.� In the spring of 2004, the Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) has approved a referendum motion to increase the Montana Kaimin operation fee.� This fee was inadvertently missed in the initial submission to the BOR.