ITEM 129-1601-R1105��������������� Authorization to Expend up to $120,000 of Student Computer Fees; The University of Montana�Western


THAT:�������������������������������������� The Board of Regents authorizes The University of Montana � Western to expend up to $120,000 of Student Computer Fees for renewal and replacement of current computer labs and to purchase a print management solution.


EXPLANATION:����������������������� This expenditure will provide $100,000 for updating two existing labs: the Office Simulation Center and a Mac lab in the Swysgood Technology Center.� These computer labs are specified as the next progression in Western�s Renewal and Replacement Plan.


It will also provide $20,000 for a Print Management System for Western�s students. The purpose of the Print Management System will be to ensure an equitable distribution of printing resources for all students at Western.


Board of Regents� policy 940.23 requires Board approval of all purchases over $25,000.� The Student Computer Fee Committee, whose membership includes 50 percent students as required by Board Policy, endorses this request.