November 3, 1999


Dr. Richard Crofts, Commissioner of Higher Education

Board of Regents of Higher Education


Mike Rao, Chancellor, MSUN

Brian Kelley, President ASMSUN


Process for Providing Student Input on New and/or Increased Fees

In response to your request, members of our administration and ASMSUN met to formally outline the process used at MSUN for proposing and receiving campus commentary on, new student fees or increases in fees that are currently in place. The new organizational structure at MSUN provides for student involvement and consultation at a range of levels. Students have representation on the Budget Advisory Council, University Governance Council, and all other councils. The introduction of a new fee or a fee increase can emanate from any of these levels or the Administrative Staff. ASMSUN, through its representation on MSUN councils, is informed of any intended fee increases and is encouraged to engage in important discussions on student fees. The Student Senate meets weekly and is informed at these meetings of any forthcoming proposals for fee increases. Students are encouraged to communicate with the Chancellor, Provost, and Associate Chancellor of Student Affairs in addition to their representation on councils regarding any issue or matter of interest to them.

MSUN proposes to follow the same schedule as the Bozeman campus regarding proposals to add new fees or increase existing fees beyond levels currently authorized for FY2001:

  • By December of the year prior to the proposed effective date, all requests for new fees or increases to existing fees will be transmitted from appropriate college dean/chair to the Provost for review or from non-academic department head to the appropriate council for review.
  • Around the time that classes begin for the spring semester in the year of the proposed effective date, the Chancellor�s Office will transmit to the President of ASMSUN a list of fees that have been reviewed and approved for submission to the Board of Regents at its March meeting.
  • By March of the year of the proposed effective date the ASMSUN President will utilize appropriate means to gather student input, confer with the administration, and transmit to the Chancellor of MSUN, commentary on any of the proposals which would inform the deliberations of the Board.
  • This commentary will be included as an attachment to the Fee Book that is mailed to Board members prior to its meeting in March in the year of the proposed effective date.
  • At the March and May meetings of the Board the ASMSUN President and MSUN Chancellor, Provost and Associate Chancellor will be available for questions from and elaboration to the Board.